fruit vans

fruit vans
fruit vans

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So... About that...

Alright. I have not been very successful of late with the healthiness thing. I've just been lazy and overwhelmed with all the goings on in my life. SOO cookies and nutella in my room was all bad, but as of today NO MO (as Jessie would say) I'm hittin the health craze yet again, inspired by Linzy who still fits her prom dress because of a hard core health month. Ok. Me too. I have 1 month until school is out. This month is going to be ridiculous! RIDICULOUS I SAY! I've actually been working out quite a bit, but now I'm so busy it's hard to work it in. And I'm super tired lately too... I never seem to catch up on sleep.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Pact is Working

I have 3 things to talk about in this post:

1. The Pact is totally working: Linzy went back to Colgate yesterday and wanted a tagalong girl scout cookie. She texted me about it and it was decided that she didn't need that tagalong! THAT is good stuff right there.

2. I had a good breakfast again! Today and yesterday!! I've been having a ricotta cheese thing recently. I love the stuff. I put some on some toast with jelly yesterday for breakfast and I was talking about it with the fam. THEN I was watching Iron Chef America and just take one guess what the secret ingredient was! RICOTTA CHEESE!! It was a really awesome moment. This morning I had whole wheat waffles and a pumpkin, sweet potato, oat type concoction with cinnamon. Delicious on top of the waffles with some blueberries and almonds. OH and I got the new Silk Almond Milk. It's super good and creamy. Tastes like almonds.. shocker right? Super good and gooood for you!

3. Matt Kraus is now a follower of the blog. haha love it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Alright so I spent a lot of time last night looking at health blogs and such because I have found that healthy people eat lots of oats! And I think we all know that I LOVE oats! So I was pretty pumped to find a ridiculous amount of oats everywhere with cool recipes and stuff in cute little cups and bowls. I was really having a lot of fun, particularly with this blog: I tried to post pictures of the stuff but for some reason the blog won't let me... boo

It was just good stuff. So this morning I had to get up at 8:30 so I could watch over BaNana because she'll a little sick and my parents had to go to a band rehearsal. So I was like.. huh.. I think I'll make some breakfast! I went through the freezer and found some pumpkin my mom had pureed and frozen so I grabbed that and made some oatmeal on the stove!

Approximations (cuz i made it up cuz i'm like a Chef!):
<1/4 cup water
1/4 cup oats
3 tablespoons pumpkin puree
<2 packets splenda
some cinnamon
eentsy weensty dash of vanilla

I mixed all that stuff in with the cooking oats and put it in an adorable mug!! yay! then I put a little more puree on top (I like it plain so it was really super awesome on the oatmeal) and of course I threw some blueberries on there and then I ate it with a few deliciously slivered almonds on the side and a glass of crystal light raspberry iced tea. Dude! SO AWESOME! I wish I took a picture because it looked awesome and it tasted awesome and it just WAS AWESOME! Ok this is almost like a real blog now and I feel stupid, but hey! I love blogging! I bet nobody will even read this.. whatever it's more for me anyways. I hope you guys read it. I think I'll have some coffee in a moment. BYE!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I just broke fast or should i say FAT. oh ho ho. I had oatmeal and blueberries. What a healthy way to start my day. Now I am very well satisfied. Huzzah.

Ewie I can't wait to get my hair cut because I have split ends. gross.


Look! Carrie Bradshaw is a watermelon!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is to make us ity bity. In order to do this, this blog can 1. motivate us to be healthy and active and 2. distract us from eating via entertainment. cool.

Ity Bity Best Friends

So begins our blog of becoming ... ity bity.

The Pact:
Food: eat well balanced meals in moderation
1. no eating after dinner (or 9:00)
2. fruit and veggie snacks only
3. NO dessert without a phone call

Exercise (Excersize): At least 4 times a week

Failure to comply results in extreme guilt. AND we have to tell Carl who can decide the necessary punishment for the perpetrator or both parties depending on severity of act.

LC crazy party